333 Bia
Open to the world, true to myself
Open to the world, true to myself
333 is a brand with French flair, German precision, brought together by strong Vietnamese spirit, since 1875. A brand that appreciates a depth of character.
Brand Personality: Charismatic, Enlightened, Pioneering, Magnetic
Our design vision revolves around modernizing the brand while preserving its illustrious history. Retaining the iconic red oval, we revamped the logo with a robust, beveled-style typeface. Introducing unique icons that symbolize French flair (Fleur du lis), German precision (Eagle), and Vietnamese spirit (Star), we seamlessly incorporated these elements into the background and adorned bronze medals supoorted by a tagline "Triple The Excellence".
Client: Sabeco, 333 Beer
Creative Director: Richard Westendorf
Designer: Farid Leong
Creative Director: Richard Westendorf
Designer: Farid Leong
Designed at Landor & Fitch